Zoom One-on-One: Coaching/Teaching Fall 2024

Adeline Goldminc-tronzo ma palette oil on canvas -private collection

Adeline Goldminc-tronzo “ma palette ” oil on canvas -private collection

8 sessions on either Wednesday or Thursday, $390

Thursdays, September 5th – October 31st, or
Wednesdays, September 11th – October 30th

I send the time slots available… You choose what works for you. I also allow for a change if need be because of your schedule.

All sessions conducted via computer using ZOOM.

Since May 2020, I have been offering Zoom classes either as a full class or as individual sessions. As of 2022 my Zoom offerings are one-on-one, 30-minute sessions.

Whether you need coaching with your own work or you want me to teach you drawing and/or painting and give you homework, feedback, etc. I have adapted these 30-minute sessions to fit your specific needs whether you are seasoned or a beginner, whether you are drawing, painting or collaging and whether you are figurative or abstract in All or ANY drawing and/or painting medium.

I have a  secure “Zoom Pro” and “Padlet Pro” that I use for you to share your work so you and I can work together during our Zoom sessions. These one-on-one sessions have been amazingly popular.